Saturday, February 2, 2013

The One Thing I Like About John Boehner and Another Reason I Love Youtube

          Though I do not agree with virtually any policy issues that he may espouse and though I may view him and his Republican cronies as the real culprits for the gridlock and impotency of Congress, there is one thing that I actually respect about John Boehner. I like that he is a man who cries in public. I appreciate the fact that he shows emotion. It sounds too simple to say but I like a guy who isn't afraid to cry. John Boehner's ideas about how to run the country may be complete bullshit but he can't be all bad I say to myself.

          Recently I found myself watching youtube clips of pregnancy announcements and of marriage proposals and of surprise reunions and I didn't just watch one or two. The other day I watched these types of clips for about two hours straight! Was there something wrong with me? Did I develop a strange hormonal imbalance now that I am in my 30's? Would I still pee standing up?

          I think what I became addicted to was seeing authentic emotion. In most of these clips you see honest tears of joy. In a society filled with surface realities and a society where the media is always touting guns and violence and bad news it was so refreshing and rewarding to see people still celebrate joy in their hearts and still express love for one another. Then I stumbled upon a clip of Comedian and Talk Show host, Steve Harvey. During a taping of his show on his birthday, his producers told him they had a surprise. Via live satellite from Florida they showed a couple who looked like they were in their fifties wishing him a happy birthday. He started to sob. It was beautiful. Watch the clip for the explanation as I slide the Kleenex box a little closer.

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